martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

Chaos at the kitchen table, the Hundred Years War & flowers in the house

In fifteen days I have an exam on Middle Ages History. I should be more focused on this subject, but this curious story "The Bal des ardents" has attracted me:

I am joinning Jane´s party with this little flowers.

6 comentarios:

  1. Suerte con el examen! Bonita flor. Huy que cuento tan desagradable, igual que la voz de el narrador. :)

  2. You are working hard. Good luck!

  3. While I enjoy a novel set in the Middle Ages, I am sure an exam on such would be beyond me! The story of the 4 burning men was disturbing, but part of the times. Your flowers should provide just the incentive for more study. Best wishes on your exam!

  4. You go girl! And thanks for taking the time to join the party.

    xo J

  5. Hello tiny blooms. Best of luck with your upcoming exam.
