lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011


I bought this little bamboo bookcase on may, while waiting to be hang it has been a dolls and a felt hamster  house.  I like children´s mind they can found unexpected uses for everything.
(finally I put a little order at the room!)

5 comentarios:

  1. cute drawing! is it by haizea?
    i like your wall paper.

  2. Que maco el dibuixet! Per un moment m'he pensat que havia viscut dins la maleteta un hàmster de veritat! Bona nit!

  3. La hiedra esta tan verde! (jajajaja que comentario!) una vez leí que simbolizaba la femineidad y era protectora del hogar!

    La imagen de la pieza esta preciosa, el papel mural tan tan lindo y muy buen fondo para el precioso dibujo! (excelente composición!!!!)

  4. Your wallpaper is absolutely beautiful. I also like the way that children's minds work, it is magical and at times extremely practical. Your house seems so pretty and cozy :)
