domingo, 10 de julio de 2011

king of balcony

rearranging my window boxes before going to Barcelona on holiday. This geranium scares me, he is growing too much! ( I hope that he will survive... my husband will be in charge of my plants during  my holidays!)
Alice from Chile wanted to see this drawing ...

7 comentarios:

  1. your geranium has different shape of flower than i see here. Your's look very cute with tiny four petals.
    enjoy your holidays.

  2. Wow you're right that geranium is extraordinary. Have a nice vacation.

  3. Es bueno el geranio natural. Pero es el tiempo de ir a la barbería. :) Espero tu post sobre Barcelona.

  4. Wow, your geranium grows like wild, I hope you man takes good care of it :)

  5. I like the (freaky) picture of the Barbie & scissors

  6. Hello Muriel! Your daughter loves to cut Barbie´s hair too?

  7. Huy!!! me perdí de mucho en los días de desconexión, pero nunca es tarde para ponerse al día!!! Me ha encantado el dibujo de la pequeña.... muchísimas gracias por mostrármelo! un honor ser tu amiga!
